10 Reasons Doom Is Already The Best Shooter Of 2016

8. Shooting First Isn't An Automatic Win


Speaking of the importance of movement, the classic 'who shoots first, wins' idea is completely thrown out the window. Because weapons are much more unreliable (and yet, immensely powerful) than in other games, it means you need genuine skill, practice and a bit of luck to get any kill in a multiplayer match.

If you find yourself under fire, you always have enough time to get out the way and devise a plan on how to get back in the fight. Sure you'll have lost some health, but in an age where running into someone while sprinting in Call of Duty almost results in a guaranteed death, this extra breathing room is more than welcome.

The added leeway just makes firefights more interesting - and ultimately more tense - when a false move could mean the difference between a fist-pumping victory or a controller-throwing loss.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3