10 Reasons Doom Is Already The Best Shooter Of 2016

9. No Camping Allowed

doom strafe

The best part of Doom's frantic old-school gameplay is that there's no way you'll ever find a player tucked away in their own little corner, blasting unsuspecting victims as soon as they walk past. Going slow or being cautious at all in Id Software's new game is a sure fire way to get yourself killed, so if you're spending the entirety of an online match crouched in the corner you must have a death-wish.

And even if you do get a couple of people who decide to adopt that cowardly tactic in multiplayer, they won't last two minutes against someone playing the game properly. The beauty of Doom's gunplay is that just pointing and clicking on an enemy doesn't guarantee that you'll hit them.

Instead you've got to be constantly aware of where they're going, in order to land your hits, so if someone is shooting at you while standing still and you're strafing all over the place, there's not a chance in hell they're going to touch you.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3