10 Reasons Why The Original Dungeon Keeper Is Still Devilishly Awesome

1. Bastardisation Of The Franchise

Dungeon Keeper has been in slumber since the turn of the millennium despite the petitions and advocacy of its fans. Electronic Arts finally decide to resurrect the franchise and would transform such a beloved cult classic into a whimpering excuse for a reboot. This could have been EA's moment to abscond and finally do one of its aged and long forgotten franchises justice but Its 'freemium' basis calls for you to attack with your credit card in order to progress through the monotonous 'wait 24 hours for this single title of rock to be excavated' and pay '£X.XX' so you can actually play this game the way its been designed to be played. The game features a cutesy aesthetic, so far removed from the original's moody yet charming sprites with gentler tongue-in-cheek 'humour' to appeal to the audiences of children and to those who game lightly. Not even securing the voice of the illustrious Richard Ridings to provide voice-work once more is enough to give any merit to the rest of the game, though we will admit he does provide some great lines, especially if you fail at a raid - "Perhaps the imps should be slapping you, keeper!". It is surely tempting to purchase gems to see a single tile of rock be razed to allow you more room to build, and it can certainly be appreciated that the core mechanics of the game could be addictive. But this is not the legacy that the original Dungeon Keeper left. It is a shameless cash-in on a much revered classic.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.