10 Released Wrestlers Who Will Still Be In WWE 2K22

5. Kyle O’Reilly

WWE 2K22 Bray Wyatt
2K Games/WWE

The same goes for Von Wagner's old tag-team partner on NXT 2.0! OK, so that was a d*ck move to describe the ultra-talented Kyle O'Reilly that way, but yours truly couldn't resist a little fun. Coincidentally, that's what Kyle himself seems to be having since leaving WWE, joining AEW and linking back up with his old Undisputed Era mates.

It'd be a real win for O'Reilly if he snagged a berth on the 2K22 roster too.

Don't rule it out. Kyle only departed WWE on 10 December last year after deciding against renewing his contract and sticking around on the revamped NXT. He's another wrestler who, in all probability, has a character model in 2K22.

Could Vince McMahon send down the edict that current AEW must not appear on a WWE branded game? Certainly. Will the WWE boss even notice if a few lower-card workers slip the net last minute? Nah, probably not. It's not like Vinnie Mac has his 2K22 preorder ready to go.

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