10 Released Wrestlers Who Will Still Be In WWE 2K22

4. Adam Cole

WWE 2K22 Bray Wyatt
2K Games/WWE

Adam Cole is the final AEW star on this list. At first, Bryan Danielson was included due to the fact that Bry (genuinely lovely human being that he is) refused to leave WWE on bad terms. However, the former Daniel Bryan is one of the most high profile WWE to AEW jumps yet, so Vince could squash his inclusion on star power alone.

Cole didn't leave the company with any bad blood either, and he's presumably slightly less of a concern to McMahon. That's why he gets the nod over Danielson on this list, and it's why this fan is predicting that the ex-Undisputed Era leader still crashes on-screen as a character in 2K22.

Triple H will do him a solid here. Or, is that perhaps wishful thinking from someone who just wants as many wrestlers as possible in the game? Maybe. If it happens, then this will be Cole's last WWE gaming appearance for the foreseeable future.

Fingers crossed he's in.

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