10 Types Of Gamers You See In FPS Online Play

10. The Know-It-All


Unlike most of this list, this is honestly one person who you may just prefer be on the other team - just so you don't have to hear them over the mic during gameplay (thank JEEBUS for the mute button!)

This is the player that plays the game just a little too much, or just possesses an uncanny knowledge of the workings of the game. They've followed the game since the wee days of it's development, like the fanboys who hung on Irrational Games' every word regarding the release of Bioshock: Infinite, or the yearly appearance of Call of Duty fans who, even though the inevitable next chapter of the series is a given to be released every November, are still fascinated by every single event. These are also the people who reign supreme in the message boards and forums (more on that later), and who are swift to correct others, offer unnecessary advice, or in general... talk too damn much.

When it's all said and done, this type of individual isn't particularly a nuisance. The 'mute' and 'block' features in video games make their presence largely optional - so unless you have the satisfaction of being able to prove them wrong, or just outright beat them at the game they cherish so much, they actually aren't much of an annoyance - unless you let them annoy you. BUT, knowledge of a game doesn't always equate to skill. Which brings me to:

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I'm a technologically savvy Sony Gamer born in the epic city of New Orleans, currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications in South Carolina. When not losing hours of my life with a controller in my hand, I'm probably losing hours of my life typing endless words into a keyboard, my attempt at this thing called "technology journalism". Hi there.