10 Types Of Gamers You See In FPS Online Play

9. The Try-Hard


Putting effort into a game is something that I will never demonize. I despise losing, and I am a very sore loser - as are most people who identify as competitive gamers. Hell, the point of a game is, within the boundaries of play, WINNING the game.

That being said, there are some people who have made the impressive accomplishment of taking even this too far. Now, for fighting video games and sports video games, the usual nature of 1v1 gameplay isn't necessarily apparent, unless you're playing an opponent who's already beaten you but STILL goes hard for the score or the win, even after asserting dominance. To elaborate on this class of gamer, I'll use an FPS example.

The FPS Try-hard is, in most cases, a massive bag of douche. They use the "pro gamer" weapons, scour the internet endlessly to learn new strategies, are constantly lording their knowledge over the casual gamers (much like the know-it-all), and are all but unbearable. These are the guys (I haven't witnessed a female one yet...) who sport the clan tag (regardless of its authenticity), the "Xx xX" pattern in their name somewhere, and are nearly the most infuriating voices you hear on the mic - because they range from people old enough to actually buy the game you're playing, to the idiot children whose pre-pubescent voices fill your earpiece with shrill nonsense and superfluous profanity they wouldn't dare use if their parents were in the room.


"Do you SEE my score!? LOL l337, biatch!" - a 7-year-old with plenty of free time.

From the talentless quickscopers who berate everyone who uses conventional weapons, to the players who feel they absolutely HAVE to possess the highest score, regardless of the game's outcome, these are the Try-hards.

Unfortunately, unlike the Know-it-all, Try-hards tend to be competent players. Whereas the previous entry in this article is merely someone who knows way too much regarding the game, Try-hards are more inclined to devote themselves to actual victory. These are the "sore-winners", if I may use layman's terms - they go the extra million miles to make sure that they have total and complete dominance, and will likely give their team members shit if they don't perform up to their own lofty expectations. However, sometimes it isn't necessarily bad to have these guys on your team - they can offer a much needed skill level if you play solo and the competence of your randomized teammates is a crap shoot. However, there is a type of player even less pleasant than that...

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I'm a technologically savvy Sony Gamer born in the epic city of New Orleans, currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications in South Carolina. When not losing hours of my life with a controller in my hand, I'm probably losing hours of my life typing endless words into a keyboard, my attempt at this thing called "technology journalism". Hi there.