10 Unique Weapons That Only Exist In One Game

3. GLOO Cannon - Prey

Prey game

Prey's GLOO Cannon is a revelation. Unlike most of the other entries on this list, its primary function isn't to destroy or obliterate. In fact, it's more of an essential engineering tool than it is a conventional weapon - and it's all the better for it.

The designers of Prey had one clear goal in mind for their players: experimentation. Dropping you into a space station and letting you figure out the best way to get from A to B, the GLOO cannon is a major asset.

Need to get over a destroyed walkway? No problem, line up a bunch of GLOO shoots and make your own bridge. Need to put out a fire? GLOO that baby up. Need to check if that suspicious lamp might actually be an alien in disguise? Fire away.

Of course, you can use it as a weapon as well, and freezing enemies in place with it before delivering a killer blow is immensely satisfying, but it's unique because it can become whatever the player wants it to be. You're limited only by ammunition and your own imagination, so experiment away!


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3