10 Video Game Characters We Can't Believe Got Cut

1. Ash Williams - Mortal Kombat 11

mortal kombat 11 ash
New Line Cinema

While we're on the subject of star-studded crossovers, have you seen what Mortal Kombat is up to these these days?

Mortal Kombat 11's DLC-furnished roster is a glorious smorgasbord of eighties-infused ultra-violence. Robocop! Rambo! The Terminator! All there, and all perfectly gelling with Mortal Kombat's bloodthirsty aesthetic. However, there is one notable bastion of barbarity missing from this list of eighties icons, and that's the King himself, Ash Williams.

To be fair, this wasn't for lack of trying from NetherRealm Studios (Moral Kombat's developers). They knew as well as anyone that Ash was a perfect fit for their game - hell, the first DLC trailer ended with the sound of Ash's trademark chainsaw revving up in the background. Sadly, ye olde legal difficulties once again reared their ugly head, with Bruce Campbell himself revealing that Ash's Mortal Kombat debut was quashed by, and we quote, "legal crap".

With the new Mortal Kombat just around the corner let's hope that, this time round, everyone involved works together and cuts through the "legal crap" like a chainsaw through a deadite so we can all kick ass and chew bubblegum with Ash Williams.

(Yes, we know that line doesn't actually belong to Ash Williams. But we're hoping someone from NetherRealm reads this and decides to put Rowdy Roddy Piper's John Nada in alongside Ash).

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.