10 Video Game Characters Who Were Secretly The Villain All Along

9. The Batter - OFF

Devil May Cry 3 Jester
Mortis Ghost

In games, having the player character turn out to be working for the bad guys is a bit of a cliché.

However, said character usually either doesn't know they're working for a proverbial Funky Bunch, or otherwise has the option to make up for it at some point in their story. Unless they're the Batter, and you are playing OFF.

At the very end of the game, you realise that your aim is actually to destroy the entire world by turning it "OFF" with a large, vaguely ominous light switch. The Judge - one of the few consistent characters that you've seen throughout your journey - then offers you, the player, the chance to fight against the Batter to protect the land.

The worst part of all of this is that, when you fight the Batter, he appears in a monstrous form that is heavily implied to be what he actually looks like. Which means all those monsters we saw through his eyes? They were likely not monsters, but innocent civilians mercilessly slaughtered for no good reason.

Go us.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.