10 Video Game Characters Who Were Secretly The Villain All Along

8. Detective Bobby Fulbright - Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies

Devil May Cry 3 Jester

The wacky cast of Ace Attorney is a largely cheerful bunch, and Bobby Fulbright is no exception. Why, from the moment you meet him, he's practically a ray of sunshine, obsessed with justice and saving the day.

Only, in a bit of a horror-movie twist, one thing later becomes clear: despite all your interactions, you never once met Bobby Fulbright.

In fact, Bobby Fulbright died a good while before you ever met him. Instead, you were cheerfully interacting the whole time with the villain known as 'The Phantom', who took on his identity when Fulbright's death left his corpse unidentifiable.

Although it's a great reveal, it's also more than a little chilling, as Bobby has been around since the start of the game as a constant cheery face. Instead, the happy-go-lucky guy you got used to is actually a mass-murderer and spy, which feels pretty intensely awful when you finally work it out.

Oh and also when he breaks down you have to watch what looks like him tearing off his own face, which may or may not haunt your dreams forever.


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