10 Video Game Fan Theories Debunked By The Creators

4. Toad's Mushroom Cap Is A Hat - Mario

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Nintendo EAD Tokyo

The Theory

Though the 1989 animated TV series The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! isn't canon to the world of Mario, it did nevertheless sew the seeds for the theory that the mushroom cap atop Toad's head is in fact a hat.

In the show, Toad is periodically seen removing his hat, prompting some fans to quite rightly assume that this would also be apply to in-game Toad.

How It Was Debunked

After literally decades of discussion, the matter was finally put to bed in 2018, when Super Mario Odyssey producer Yoshiaki Koizumi posted a Q&A video where he confirmed Nintendo's official party line on the mushroom cap: it's Toad's head. Koizumi said:

"So that, as it turns out, is actually Toad's head. I'm going to have to leave it to all of you to figure out exactly how that works out. Maybe there's something inside."

And like that, everything you thought you knew was exposed as a lie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.