10 Video Game Fan Theories Debunked By The Creators

5. Giygas Is A Fetus - EarthBound

star wars jedi fallen order

The Theory

Cult classic RPG EarthBound boasts one of the most WTF video game fan theories you're ever likely to come across, that when players arrive at the Cave of the Past to do battle with final boss Giygas, he's actually a fetus.

The theory notes that Ness and his party travel back through time to do battle with Giygas, and that one of the images present during the final battle depicts Giygas as resembling a fetus, while the "Devil's Machine" that contains him is not unlike a uterus.

How It Was Debunked

As fascinating as this theory is, director Shigesato Itoi cleared it all up in a 2003 interview, revealing that Giygas was actually inspired by a traumatic childhood incident where he accidentally witnessed a scene from the movie "The Military Policeman and the Dismembered Beauty" in which a woman is brutally attacked.

Itoi said that Giygas is "something you can’t make sense of," confirming that the fetus theory is nothing more than the human brain trying to comprehend abstract imagery.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.