10 Video Game Remasters That Blow Their Originals Out The Water

5. Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus Collection

If there was a studio that managed to effectively combine the emotional expressiveness of art with the furious button mashing of a video game, then Team Ico and their brilliant work on Ico and Shadow of the Colossus would definitely be the poster boy. But just as how art is considered to never be truly finished, the HD remasters of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus showed that there was much more life to be squeezed out of those two games yet. Both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are heavily reliant on provoking an emotional response from gamers using stunning visuals, the moments of silence and loneliness, and the few but interesting characters that are present. As such, the HD-overhaul of the graphics proved to be doubly effective in making the whole experience even more beautiful and provocative. For the remastered games to look just as stunning as anything that's released today makes them just that bit better than the originals. Furthermore, the Ico remaster features some additional content that make the experience just that bit more interesting such as English translations of Yorda's mysterious mumblings, and the inclusion of a two-player mode where Yorda can be fully controlled. The brilliance of the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus collection is almost enough to make up for the fact that The Last Guardian still isn't here yet. Almost.

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