10 Video Game Remasters That Blow Their Originals Out The Water

6. Metroid Prime: Trilogy

The trilogy of Metroid Prime games were considered to be the franchise's high points during the last two video game generations and talk about a compilation of of the trilogy was already underway before Metroid Prime 3 was even completed. Whilst this can be seen as nothing more than a cash grab, the final result was surprisingly far better than anyone could've expected. The Metroid Prime Trilogy is a case where there is a small improvement in every single little thing that made the original Prime games so good. All three games are now on a single disc instead of being split across three discs, the graphics have been updated, the framerates were made steadier, the audio is just that bit crisper, the controls have been redone for the Wii and are now more intuitive, and the unlocking system from Corruption was implemented into Prime and Echoes thus giving the trilogy a better sense of gameplay continuity. You might not even like the Metroid games but with three games for the price of one, it's pretty hard to argue that you'll at least get a heap of game for your buck. So if you were one of the many people who are still massively disappointed at the release of Other M or at the Metroid presentation at this year's E3, then you might as well wipe that bitter taste out of your mouth with the Metroid Prime Trilogy.

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