10 Video Game Sequels We're Still Crying Out For

10. Singularity 2

singularity game
Raven Software

First person shooters with survival or horror elements are always pretty hit or miss, but Raven Software's Singularity succeeded because it was so just much fun. While similar in many areas to the Bioshock series, Singularity was a more carefree type of fun, and it featured far better weapons to play with.

While Bioshock has gone on to become an already remastered trilogy, Singularity has languished in single-title obscurity. A sequel for this game would be a great way to cut through a market full of by-numbers war simulators and would be a great opportunity for a few of the original's features to be honed. The time manipulation, for example, would be a great addition under the freedom afforded it by stronger hardware.

While Singularity's tough development phases and ultimately mediocre sales mean it isn't a strong candidate for Activision's ongoing slate, it's still a game with enough unfinished business to make it worth wishing for. Still, perhaps a game called 'Singularity' should be left to stand alone.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.