10 Video Game Villains Who Had The Right Idea (But Terrible Execution)

9. The Master - Fallout

Spec ops the line

The Master is one of the most iconic Fallout villains. He is a Pre-War scientist who merged with a supercomputer and several other humans and mutants, becoming the mastermind (pardon the pun) behind Project Unity and the army of super mutants.

The Master's activity in the game involves ordering raids on local settlements and then forcibly turning his victims into more of his soldiers.

His actions are utterly irredeemable, and yet the Master is secretly quite the humanitarian person.

And quite incompetent at being one too!

As you progress through the story, you learn that the master's plan is to actually help humanity survive in the apocalypse. He realizes the irradiated environment can easily kill humns and that they might wage even more devastating wars on each other.

He wants to inject everyone with the super mutant virus in order to help humans overcome their violent nature and adapt to their new environment, but his plan has the opposite effect, as his super mutants ultimately cause more wars and are completely infertile.

In fact, if you point this out to him in the final confrontation, the Master will be so distraught by the news he will actually commit suicide!

Well, at least he knows when he's lost.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.