10 Video Games That Are Totally Different By The End

5. Live A Live

Uncharted Drake's Fortune

Square's classic RPG Live a Live, recently remade so wonderfully, gives the player seven separate stories to work through in any order they like.

Most of these stories serve as homages to classic narratives - one's a gun-slinging Western, another an Alien-inspired sci-fi, another a blatant Akira knock-off - linked by one thing only: an ultimate enemy that includes that word "Odio" in their name.

But after you beat those seven chapters, an eighth is unlocked where you take control of a new character, Oersted, for a seemingly typical fantasy romp set in the Middle Ages.

Yet the end of this chapter reveals that it is in fact an origin story for Odio, the Lord of the Dark and physical manifestation of hatred itself, who Oersted is inadvertently transformed into.

The final chapter, The Dominion of Hate, then sees the protagonists from the first seven chapters drawn together from across time and teaming up to take down Odio in an epic final battle.

Considering the comparative modesty of the seven separate chapters, that's a pretty wild way for them to converge and pay off in a meaningful way few players saw coming.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.