10 Video Games That Don't Deserve Their High Metacritic Scores

2. L.A. Noire

l.a. noire
Metacritic Score: 89 (PS3/360), 83 (PC)

I really, really wanted to like L.A. Noire. A detective game initially developed by Team Bondi, helped out by the mighty Rockstar when they found out about the facial-scanning tech and wanted to help out? That was going to be incredible.

Then you played it, and realised every part of the investigative work, every part of the face-to-face conversations and every part of being immersed in a crime caper you were meant to be tying together hinged on an interrogation mechanic that was flat out broken.

Multiple pieces of evidence would've led to more probing questions and allegations you could follow up on, but the game only gave you one shot to pick the appropriate item. That sat alongside main character Cole Phelps' horrendously sporadic line deliveries, making 'conversations' go from "So... tell me what you saw" to "I KNOW YOU DID IT, YOU HID THE KNIFE UPSTAIRS DIDN'T YOU!?" and back to "... yes, I believe that checks out."

Throw in some forced infidelity twists and a last minute death for crowbarred-in emotion, and you had a straight-up "F*ck this" from the vast majority of gamers - not that it was reflected in the Metacritic score.

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L.A. Noire
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