10 Video Games That Gut Punch You In Act One

7. Killing Toriel - Undertale

The Last of Us
Toby Fox

Undertale has one of the best opening levels in gaming history, telling and showing you everything that can be expected from this game - especially if you reset the game and try "certain parts" again.

The most notable characters you meet in Undertale's beginning are Flowey the Flower and Toriel, Guardian Of The Ruins, and the self-designated mother figure to the child protagonist.

But when you try to go out and see the world that Toriel is trying to keep you safe from, she finally demands that you prove that you can survive. And it's here where Undertale takes first-time players and slams a pickup truck into their gut by having them accidentally murder poor Goat Mom. This early in the game, first-timers are unlikely to truly understand how the kill/mercy system works, and thus will not be able to figure out how to keep from murdering Toriel.

Oh, and if you think of resetting the game and trying again, this time with a guide to help you through it? You CAN, but as soon as the fight is done, Flowey demonstrates this game's excellent memory by mocking you for what you did afterwards.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?