6. Throwing The Merc Out The Window/The Journalist Punch - Mass Effect
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR4_P_IsXpQ There comes a time when every well-received big-budget title must also throw out a scene or two that either make you burst out laughing, or exclaim aloud "Man, I love this game" - or preferably both. The above scene was one of many instances mentioned before Mass Effect 2's release where we were told depending on our alignment towards good or evil (Paragon or Renegade) there would be occasional times in dialogue where we could hit a corresponding action to interrupt and perform a specific action. It was always up to you how far towards either path your Shepard swayed, but when you come across one of these Eclipse mercenaries in a mission where you're already slowly taking them out anyway, prodding the action button to find the Commander chucking them out a window to several hundred stories below is just so off-kilter crazy it's fantastic. Then there's punching a certain journalist throughout the series too. Acting as the perfect response we've all wished any celebrity or public figure being hounded by the press would act out, in the all-controlling world of Mass Effect if you've had enough of Khalisah's accusatory remarks, you're free to bop her one (or three, as it became a recurring joke in each game). Granted on closer analysis it's obviously not good to be championing punching a woman square in the face, but considering how in the series you can play as a woman in the first place - not to mention the other male characters you can impact negatively along the way - Bioware remain an equal opportunities journalist-puncher for good measure.