10 Ways Players Accidentally Broke Video Games

8. Playing Around - Breath Of The Wild

Batman Arkham Asylum thumbnail

Goofing about is a crucial part of any gaming experience. Everyone has at least thought about putting a bucket over an NPCs head to steal something from right in front of their (covered) eyes, or similarly stupid but entertaining shenanigans. Sometimes this isn't even really a matter of getting anything out of it, but the pure reward of getting to mess around.

As such, it's easy to imagine a player innocently messing around learning the shield-surf mechanics, only to accidentally clip themselves through a wall. Now, while speedrun players often use this to skip huge areas of the game, they do so with clear intentions of which walls to go through, and exactly where to go.

Should you manage to pull this off accidentally, then, things can go wild wrong real fast. Plenty of walls simply aren't meant to be walked through, leaving you either stuck outside the area you needed to be in, or otherwise stuck chilling out in the void.

It's easy to think "that'd never happen to me", but that involves purposefully ignoring every silly thing you've done in a video game - and generally, there's always at least once.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.