10 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Improve In The 2020s

10. No More On-Disc, Early DLC

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Surely this is something that we can all agree upon: on-disc DLC needs to die.

Launching games with on-disc DLC has also a universally despised practice within the industry over the past decade. This is when games are released, only for DLC to go on sale almost immediately after the launch, if not on the same day.

In these cases, the DLC is already coded on to the disc that the consumer has to pay full price for, meaning that the publishers are essentially charging customers for media that they already own. Various extents of this practice have been found in Saints Row The Third, Resident Evil 6, Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and far too many more.

There is no reason other than greed for publishers to do this. The content is there and ready to go. The introduction of DLC to the gaming industry was of course a positive one. It allowed games to expand on their content years after their initial releases, in a similar fashion to the expansion packs of generations past. However, as this is not governed, developers have free reign to conduct cheap tactics like this with their titles. This is something we as consumers need to stop accepting as we roll into 2020.

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