10 Weird Origins Behind Iconic Video Game Weapons

5. Almost Everything (Worms)

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Team 17

If you want to find a game full of the goofiest weapons you've ever seen, then, boy, howdy, you'd better make like an early bird and get those Worms. This franchise is so chock-a-block with ludicrous weaponry that it could take up multiple places on this list. Instead, let's enjoy a little compilation of some of the funniest.  

Firstly, the dreaded Concrete Donkey is inspired by a real statue. This giant stone donkey lived in the garden of series creator Andy Davidson's childhood home. He even believed it had a living donkey within the concrete. Poor thing. 

Next is the MB Bomb, named after Team 17's studio director, Martyn Brown, otherwise known as Spadge. The bomb itself is said to be a physical representation of the man, acting as an in-joke for the devs. 

Lastly, there's also Mike's Carpet Bomb, a powerful weapon seemingly named after Mike's Carpets, a popular Yorkshire-based carpet store chain. 

Those are just a few examples of how the bonkers world of Worms created some of its most iconic weaponry. Needless to say, Team 17 don't take themselves too seriously. 

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!