10 WORST Video Game Weapons

4. Dual Berettas - Counter Strike: Global Offensive

doom 2016 pistol

Dual wielding pistols is, outside of John Woo movies and Devil May Cry, completely idiotic and guaranteed to get you killed. And no game is better at demonstrating this through some clever trolling of the player, than Valve's Counter Strike: Global Offensive and the Dual Berettas.

As the name states, this weapon consists of a pair of Beretta pistols that you shoot from both hands. Unfortunately, whereas other games like to portray this as being cool or badass, CS:GO goes for a slightly more realistic interpretation of what tends to happen to the idiots who walk into a firefight packing this setup in real life.

You walk out into the firefight, guns gleaming in the wind, then you try to fire. Unfortunately, you find that it's rather hard to aim with two guns at once when you have no means of staring down the sights.

Also, since you're only using one hand, you have less resistance to the kick, so the weapons become super unwieldy. Finally, as you fumble about trying to reload, someone shoots you in the head, putting you out of your team's misery.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?