10 WWE Superstars Who Never Made It Into A WWE Video Game

8. Mordecai / Kevin Thorn

Marty Jannetty Crossed Out

Despite both of his over-the-top gimmicks easily lending themselves to the cartoonish video game universe, Kevin Fertig has never been featured in a video game.

Maybe it's because both of Fertig's gimmicks involved supernatural - or at the very least, "scary" - gimmicks that had largely went out of fashion by the time he found his way onto Smackdown in 2004. Or maybe it was just a lack of foresight by WWE creative. Either way, Mordecai and Kevin Thorn were given very short windows to succeed.

As tends to be the case with so many of these nifty characters that get left out of the video game realm, his absence was almost definitely due to his lack of television exposure.

But hell, if The Undertaker is able to have an entire stable of zombified mid-carders in a game as recent as Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009, I refuse to believe that the creepy, religious zealot or the new age vampire gimmick wouldn't have fit in nicely with the series.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.