11 Hugely-Anticipated Video Games You Won't Believe Got Cancelled

10. Star Wars 1313

Scouring the various gaming forums of the land it appears many of us didn't even realise this one got cancelled, as the footage that came out of E3 2012 still holds up perfectly well today - with fantastic environmental effects, character models and a high production value throughout.

Apparently telling the story of a young Boba Fett on Coruscant, combat looked to apply the Gears of War/Killswitch stop n' pop cover system to great effect, having laser fire whiz over our heads at every opportunity. Any who played the Jango Fett-fronted shooter Star Wars: Bounty Hunter - a brilliant shooter in its own right - will remember just how much fun the genre can be within the Star Wars universe, and combining Gears' combat some more innovate moves like dragging enemies over cover, this early glimpse at what was to come had mouths watering on both sides of the fan-fence.

Sadly it was all but terminated - although the official word is 'on hold' - when LucasArts shut down last year, but considering the popularity of the universe itself and the resurgence anything close to it will have come Episode VII's release, we wouldn't be surprised if this gets another shot at stardom.

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