12 Most Overrated Video Games Of 2017
10. Sonic Mania
Sonic Mania is proof perfect of how lowered expectations can boost a game's esteem far beyond what it really deserves. The first majorly acclaimed Sonic game in many years, Mania is a highly enjoyable love letter to classic Sonic, though should really be docked a few points for borrowing far too generously from its better instalments.
The vast majority of the game's levels are "remixes" of stages from the earlier, better games in the series, ensuring it ultimately takes a safer, lazier approach than actually crafting a full suite of engaging new levels.
Sega is as aware as anyone of the pull of nostalgia, and they cynically exploited that to a highly successful degree with this game. It's not that Sonic Mania is in any way a bad game, but did it really deserve such giddy praise?
Also, the obnoxious save system - which hurls you all the way back to Act 1 if you get a Game Over - is infuriating in a 2017 release.