12 Most Underrated Video Games Of This Console Generation (So Far)

1. Dying Light

Titanfall Battleborn This War Of Mine Alien Isolation Broforce

With the excess in recent years of survival games, and zombie games, and survival games featuring zombies, it's easy to bunch them altogether into one big, brutal pile. Maybe that's why the excellent Dying Light never garnered a huge amount of critical love or attention—it was hard to get over the fact that it was yet-another open-world horror exploration game.

But you should get over that fact, immediately, because Dying Light is one of the most satisfying, mechanically sound games of its ilk. The free-running gameplay, which sees you bounding up walls and across rooftops fits with the fact that very often you will have to run. Ammo's in short supply, as are health packs, and the thrill of the chase is as great as the thrill of the fight.

Dying Light has really come into its own with The Following expansion pack, which adds in a new area to explore, some fancy new firepower, as well as a dune buggy to bomb around in. And as we all know, a dune buggy in a game is always, unequivocally, a good thing.


Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.