16 Hotly Anticipated Video Games Still Coming In 2015

9. Star Wars Battlefront

Please EA, don't screw this one up. It has so much potential, and everything you've shown so far looks absolutely astounding both from a pure graphical standpoint and that of gameplay itself. Sure it's 'more of the same' in terms of once again hopping into a Snowspeeder and taking down an advancing AT-AT, hunkering down on Endor to engage in frenetic cover-based shootouts against the Empire or calling in the likes of Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Boba Fett etc. as temporary boosts - but when it's all as perfectly portrayed, iconic and enjoyable as the former Battlefront games have been, you could do far worse. The problems lie in giving solo players something worthwhile to get stuck into alongside, and although EA have confirmed there will be wave-based survival modes on offer, a few cutscenes or content only available offline would go a long way to making this hands-down the best Star Wars game yet.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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