15 Iconic PlayStation Franchises - Ranked From Worst To Best

15. Resistance

When it came to the golden age of PS3 exclusive shooters, the introduction of Insomniac Games' Resistance into Sony's stable looked like an attempt to create a flagship first person action title to take over from a failing Killzone. Unfortunately, despite initial expectations, the series wasn't quite the instant hit the PS3 so desperately needed at the time. The first two games in the franchise, while pretty interesting in their own right, didn't offer anything particularly distinct or original compared to the multi-platform giants that were taking the lead in the genre. Trying to both copy the trends of the time as well as launch a brand new unique universe, Resistance failed in being successful at either. Fortunately, by the third release the development team finally found their focus in where they wanted to take the franchise and were able to pull off the Resistance game they'd been promising for years. Unfortunately, by this point the audience was more than a little burned out, and as a result the title didn't receive the acclaim it probably deserved,
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3