15 Iconic PlayStation Franchises - Ranked From Worst To Best


SOCOM, frustratingly, has always been a franchise teetering on the verge of greatness, but never quite showing the will or the guts to be anything other than just "good". Popularised on the Playstation 2, Sony's military shooter has seen plenty of different revamps under the helm of a couple of different developers over the years, and yet the games have never quite managed to break the mould they seem so utterly encased in. And with no main release since 2011, it's not looking likely that it will get another chance any time soon. Even then though, that's not to say these aren't still enjoyable games - far from it. It's just that when it comes to the biggest and best experiences you can find on Playstation, no one is really looking at SOCOM to take the gold.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3