20 Best Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

10. Observation

observation game
No Code

The first home console release from indie devs No Code, Observation knocks it clean out the park.

Playing like a puzzle game with near-realistic graphics, you'll play as a memory-wiped A.I., S.A.M, struggling to take care of one Dr. Emma Fisher through a number of security cameras, mechanical arms and drones.

The best thing about Observation is how much it nails the feeling of being lost in space. Opening with a cataclysmic event I won't spoil, the majority of your time is spent questioning what happened beforehand, where the rest of the crew have disappeared to, and what role - if any - you had in everything that went down.

Observation's greatest strength is dealing an immaculate hand of tension and plot drive; a mixture few titles get right considering a common aim for a more protracted runtime. Here though, with a considered budget and artistically minded creative goals, we've got the best space horror since Dead Space.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.