20 Greatest PC Games Of All Time

8. World Of Warcraft

Responsible for making more money than any other video game, World of Warcraft still looms a colossal shadow over the MMO genre, almost a decade after its original release. With over 100 million accounts being created in its lifetime, World of Warcraft is far and away the biggest MMO of all time. World of Warcraft has been both praised and vilified for its addictive qualities, which came about thanks to both a levelling system that encourages players to group together, and the never-ending gear treadmill in the end game. The game's semi-cartoony aesthetics also proved to be a wise decision, with World of Warcraft looking far less dated today than its more realistic-looking contemporaries. The main thing that continues to bring players subscribing though, is the community. World of Warcraft has a rich, fascinating player-driven history, that has truly helped to make Azeroth feel like a living, breathing place.
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