20 Most Offensive Video Games Of All Time

12. RapeLay

In Japan, men who grope women in public are so prevalent that trains have to have special women-only passenger cars just to stop them. There's even a name for the kinds of men who do this: chikan (stupid man). And just like in any other society, films made on the topic that center on the relatively few men who are falsely accused of the act are dramas that are submitted for the Academy Awards (see: I Just Didn't Do It) while films that center on the extremely large amount of women who are affected every day (a 2001 survey revealed at least 70%) are just porn. So how about depictions in video games? Well, enter RapeLay, about a chikan who decides to go a little farther than usual by stalking and raping a mother and her two daughters. It gets even worse, but you can look up all of the details for yourself if you're so inclined. Of course, this wasn't the only time that Japan produced a game based entirely around sexual violence...
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Eric Day co-hosts the Murderville Podcast at www.welcometomurderville.com Give it a listen. Five minutes. Maybe you'll dig it. Maybe you'll hate it. But at least you'll have tried something new.