20 Most Offensive Video Games Of All Time

11. 177

177 is the police code for rape in Japan. There's a fun fact for you. It's also the name of a 1986 game in which the protagonist chases after a woman with the intent to assault her while simultaneously beating small animals to death with rocks. If he succeeds then the girl marries him because sometimes when people are very lonely they make awful, awful video games. This one actually got a remake (after the original was banned) in which the girl was transformed into a maid and her attacker into a squid monster. Yes, that is a real thing that actually happened within our reality and not just a cheap joke. And no, sadly, we're still not done with rape yet. Behold our next entry...
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Eric Day co-hosts the Murderville Podcast at www.welcometomurderville.com Give it a listen. Five minutes. Maybe you'll dig it. Maybe you'll hate it. But at least you'll have tried something new.