21 Gaming Memories Only 90s Kids Will Have
10. Mortal Kombat Fatalities
All forms of media have had a turbulent relationship with censorship, but as technology has advanced and boundaries have been pushed, people have become more tolerant towards blood and gore. Back in the day, Mortal Kombat was one of the most thrillingly graphic things videogames had ever done. And that made it. Completely. Awesome.
Nowadays, Mortal Kombat gives us X-Ray views of bones being crunches and organs exploding, but even way back when, seeing Sub-Zero tear Raidens head off was mind blowing excuse the expression. It was so incredibly satisfying, and it was something of which your granny certainly would not approve.
9. Locking Lara Crofts Butler In The Freezer
For many kids, the fact that there's actually a game beyond Lara Croft's mansion in Tomb Raider II would come as quite a surprise. Most were quite content in that big house, going for dips in the pool or wandering through the hedge maze. It was the ultimate playground.
But there was intruder in this grand paradise, and the intruders name was "the butler." Luckily, there was an answer to this problem: Just lock him in the freezer. The butler was creepy, and creepy things belong in the freezer. Nowadays, many players are likely plagued by an incredible sense of guilt for this monstrous act. All he wanted was to serve us some tea.