5: Intelligent Writing
Saints Row The Third's writing was an abundance of childish sex jokes and heavy handed plot points. It was easily one of the weaker parts of the game, and gave an overall tone that wouldn't have been out of place in Epic Movie or Meet the Spartans. It is possible to write a witty and intelligent dick joke, it just seemed like the writing staff at Volition hadn't really found it yet. That's why I was very worried about Saints Row IV, which seemed to have even more opportunity to scrape the bottom of the potty. That's why it was a surprise when Saints Row IV produced a rather witty tale of alien takeover. We'll look at the writing a bit more in depth later on in this list, but on the whole, I found a lot to laugh at. And that's what Saints Row seems to be about now. It's all about getting the laugh, and if you just accept that, then there's a lot to like.