6 Horror Gaming Soundtracks That Will Make You Shiver

4. Silent Hill 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iuHT72JINE If Resident Evil was about blatantly scaring the living daylights out of you, Silent Hill was a perfect yang to a yin - a cerebral time bomb, games that would fill you with such building tension that you would claw your own eyes out before the game was halfway done. Akira Yamaoka's work on the series was just as important - if not moreso - to the atmospheric dread and despair as the psychological abominations that shambled toward you and attempted to kill you in ways that humans do not yet have words to describe. Silent Hill 2 is often regarded as a favorite among fans of the series. Mostly a side story, the tragic tale of James coming to the namesake town to answer a letter from his dead wife Mary is always accompanied by what can best be labeled a mix of ambiance and static. Yamaoka's "Promise (Reprise)" is a summation of all the terrifying and mind-bending music you will hear. An insignificant piano melody, joined by a xylophone and what is the aural equivalent of air. Psychiatric warfare at its finest.
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Adam Nystrom was Goichi Suda's inspiration for Travis Touchdown. A Yank obsessed with video games and professional wrestling, Adam rarely sees the sun, and when it attempts to seep through his windows he immediately starts to hiss and find a way to block it out. Adam is a former professional wrestling referee and semi-retired standup comic who has also produced a roast as well as appeared on at least one other.