7 Ways Ubisoft Killed For Honor

6. Persistent Bugs

For Honor

Now, bugs are to be expected in even the most polished of games, and frankly the bugs that plagued For Honor were mostly minor ones that were acceptable for a post-launch window. However, as time went on they persisted, becoming more and more annoying with some even being borderline game-breaking.

For Honor would fluctuate between different languages, players would be locked out of the online mode because 'they didn't meet the requirements' (whatever they were), others would be put into matches that had just ended, and the remainder that were in said match were glitching or lagging out.

That was only scratching the surface.

As I said, bugs are to be expected, but Ubisoft seemed reluctant to address them with them becoming more and more frequent over time. We got patch after patch balancing characters, but no attempts to fix the foundation of the game. That would have all been fine, but we got told nothing about what was happening, and players were kept in the dark. Again.

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For Honor
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.