7 Ways Ubisoft Killed For Honor

5. Terrible Connections

For Honor

Ah, the connections... where to begin.

For Honor was plagued from the start by bad connections due to Ubisoft's insistence on a Peer to Peer networking system instead of a dedicated set of servers. This meant the game's connection relied on up to eight players at once having decent connection for anything to proceed. Considering how hard it is to get decent connection for one person, you can imagine the problems.

Then there were the multiple times that games would just stop and you would be kicked back to the main screen, occasionally even being told your connection wasn't working, despite your internet being fine. The game would stutter and try to re-synchronize whenever a player left, or even when nothing happened at all.

But the straw that broke the camels back and helped inspire a boycott of the game was when For Honor effectively completely disappeared. The game wasn't playable, and people couldn't get passed the title screen, yet no one at Ubi told players what was happening until after it was sorted.

Can you sense a theme yet?

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For Honor
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.