8 EXACT Moments You Rage Quit In Video Games
2. Blighttown (Pre-Patch) - Dark Souls
Ah Blighttown, if ever there was an area that would make me want to quit my job and go weep silently inside a metal bin for the rest of my life this is it.
The infamy of Blighttown is well known to Dark Souls players and beyond in this day and age, mainly thanks to it's absolutely rude levels of poison pushing enemies and utterly toxic level design. However, while wee youngsters might load up the Remastered Edition and whine like a poorly tuned engine in this day and age, real OG's will know of the true potato up the tailpipe that Blighttown Pre-Patch.
Ye Gods. It looks like a slideshow but where every single image is one of utter pain.
This relentless gauntlet of wobbly platforms and even jankier jumping controls running a less than smooth single digit frame rate might actually be what hell itself is like, and trying to battle the myriad of endlessly respawning enemies while also managing your moss collection is like being slapped in the face while trying to build a deck of cards on an active faultline.
It's painful, prone to disaster and come the end you're questioning why the f**k you put yourself through it .