8 EXACT Moments You Rage Quit In Video Games

3. Fighting Lady Comstock On 1999 Mode - Bioshock Infinite

Sekiro shadows die twice
2K Games

Whether you were flying high-grinding the rails like Tony Hawk or plugging fools while hopped up on genetic warping drugs like Tony Montana, Bioshock Infinite always felt like it was yelling, "Go, go, go!"

Except that was, for the Lady Comstock battles, in which the game was saying "Go, go, go f**k yourself!", especially if you were an absolute glutton for punishment and played the game on 1999 Mode.

In this battle you'll have to fire every single bullet, shell, rocket, grenade, shoe, whatever is in that trash can over there, the trash can itself, a clump of dirt, ANYTHING to try and bring her down, as she is the such a sponge that her parents can't wait for her to move out.

I hate this boss with so much of my soul that I've become a literal ghost thanks to playing this section over and over again. The sheer frustration of dying to so many resurrected waves of goons just when I think I'm making headway is enough to make me want to dig my own grave.

I genuinely had to walk away from this game for two weeks before coming back to it because I was so annoyed that I started getting headaches. This game was literally killing me.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.