8 Video Games That Pushed Petty Feuds
1. Power Armor And Other Ill-Advised Jabs - Duke Nukem Forever
The Duke Nukem series is no stranger to taking a jab at its competitors. 1996's Duke Nukem 3D has the titular hero quipping "That's one doomed space marine" at the sight of a mutilated but familiar corpse, and "I ain't afraid of no Quake" when a brief tremor shakes the room he is in - playful references to Id properties Doom and Quake respectively.
The later game takes similar jabs at industry contemporaries - when presented with some green armour reminiscent of Master Chief's getup, Duke responds with "Power armour is for pussies!" A later stage in the game has a character who resembles Marcus Fenix joking at his friend's expense, calling him a pussy for trying to find his wife, a clear dig at Dom's subplot from Gears Of War.
However, where Duke 3D was rightfully well-regarded and acknowledged its competitors with some light-hearted ribbing, Duke Forever is an appalling game, devoid of wit or warmth. The attacks consist solely of taking a superior franchise and deeming it to be "for pussies", which is about as artless as feuding can get.
Considering that Halo and Gears Of War as franchises arguably continue to go from strength to strength, and Duke Nukem Forever is now a universally derided pariah, that speaks volumes.