8 Video Games That Turned Out Nothing Like We Were Promised

3. Forza Motorsport 5

Xbox One's recent Forza Motorsport 5 mesmerised all who laid eyes upon it when the first gameplay footage was revealed - even those who had no interest in cars. That's because, quite simply, the game looked absolutely stunning - so good did it look, in fact, that Microsoft decided to use it in a ton of ad campaigns to advertise the power of their brand new console. Makes sense, right? Still, many who bought the game found themselves to be both amused and confused with regards to one noticeable difference between the demo and the final version. You have to admit, that crowd (pictured right) - compared to the CG-rendered one (on the left) - is absolutely hilarious. Those people - some of whom have been copy and pasted, you'll notice - seem to have been plucked right out of a '90s arcade racing game. And, although that doesn't mean the game was bad or anything, it seems a little cheeky for the developers to showcase the awesome graphical capabilities of the Xbox One (and their game), only to suddenly import these unsightly characters. So, no, Forza 5 - as pretty as it is - isn't quite the graphical marvel it purported to be. As those lovely folk clearly prove.

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