8. Disney/Pixar
Considering that Lego now has had ties with a handful of Disney's properties (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Marvel) and that they have actually manufactured kits based on Mickey Mouse and Toy Story at various points in their past, there doesn't seem to be any grand reason why a game such as this couldn't exist. This game would play as something of a Final Fantasy-less Kingdom Hearts style crossover where characters from all the major (and minor, hopefully) Disney and Pixar movies could run around in each other's worlds and team up to take on each other's villains. Considering how many of these licenses already sit under the Disney umbrella, it's not completely inconceivable that this kind of mash-up could be taken even further, featuring cameos from some of the other aforementioned properties. Luke Skywalker and the Hulk could be locked away as secret characters if Disney was willing to merge their properties in a low-stakes setting such as this. Speaking of crossovers, let's take a look at the final item on this list...