9 Video Game Plot Details EVERYONE Missed

8. Bioshock's Big Twist Gets Foreshadowed At The Beginning

bioshock sullivan

As one of the most legendary and impactful - nay, medium-changing - plot twists and story up-enders of all time - Bioshock's "would you kindly" reveal is as immaculate as immaculate gets.

However, as almost an additional layer of brainmelt, should you decide to go back through Ken Levine and Irrational Games' masterwork, is early dialogue from character Sullivan, if you find the right audio diary.

Here, Sullivan details the respawn-enabling Bathyspheres - the tanks you've been using to come back to life after death. Though a very "video gamey" thing to include, here practically spells out part of Bioshock's biggest twist, by noting that the only people who can use these machines, have to be "in the genetic ballpark" of Rapture creator Andrew Ryan.

Obviously all the fourth wall acknowledging stuff is what really broke the industry for the better, but listening to Sullivan's notes, it's pretty obvious that Jack and Ryan are connected from the beginning.

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