9 Video Game Plot Details EVERYONE Missed

7. INSIDE's Hidden Control Room

inside game

Literally just go play INSIDE.

Playdead's followup to Limbo is an immaculate physics-based puzzle platformer with a supremely dark edge, a brilliantly interpretational ending, and a brutal power-fantasy final sequence.

Anyway, to bring it back to what many people missed - there is a secret ending, found by locating all 14 depth charge-looking secret orbs, and visiting an underground bunker at the start of the game, rather than continuing on the main path.

Here - and it only contributes to the many "reads" of this game - you'll be able to unlock a chamber by playing a sequence of notes first heard in the factory area's background, to pull the plug on your own consciousness and plunge the game into pitch black.

INSIDE's many interpretations include one on an oppressed working class; the drudgery of an unfulfilling manual labour job, and the potentially bloody rebellion that often comes from speaking truth to power.

This ending suggests that any momentum achieved will always be fleeting, and all it takes is one individual to not be in the right place at the right time, for nothing to happen at all.

At least... that's my take.

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