9 Video Game Sequels That Tore Fanbases In Half

3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain 14

Where to even begin.

At least we can all agree this is the best-playing entry in the Metal Gear series; masterfully applying the franchise's gameplay to an open world, and it looks technically outstanding the whole way through.

Everything else, though? Well, topics include the following:

1. Ditching the legendary and iconic David Hayter for a near-mute Keifer Sutherland, who barely says anything.

2. The game's marketing being a lie, and the "downfall of Big Boss" not being in the game.

3. A complete tonal change into all-out surrealism. Ghosts and demonic forces are treated as believable, with the game's story barely knitting together.

4. The final twist that after everything, you weren't even Big Boss, meaning all the events that happened to "Venom Snake" don't matter to the wider fiction.

5. Even doing another Metal Gear after the painfully elaborate finale that was MGS 4.

There are many, many more. In retrospect, Phantom Pain feels every bit as troubled as its development was revealed to be, and you'll never get two Metal Gear fans discuss it the same way.

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