9 Video Game Sequels That Tore Fanbases In Half

2. Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy 13
Square Enix

Something of an anomaly amidst such a legendary franchise, FF XIII attempted to right the wrongs of the automated Final Fantasy XII, but didn't go far enough.

Where the debate rages on as to the likability of turn-based combat in triple-A titles, FF XII brought about a "Gambit system", where you'd program a series of "If X, then Y" algorithms to fight for you.

Being raised on the immaculate golden age run of Final Fantasy VI through IX, though, Square couldn't please everyone. Some MMO-minded players liked this "auto-combat" approach, where others longed to punch each animation in themselves.

Final Fantasy XIII then, kept some of the automation but let you select it from a menu each time. For far too long you're locked in a sense of the game playing itself, and only after 12-15 hours do things open up.

Ironically though, whilst that eventual payoff netted a portion of the main fanbase, XIII totally worked for a whole new generation, as their "first Final Fantasy".

The flying ships, oversized weapons, charmingly OTT characters and especially another sweeping, majestic score - there are ardent defenders of Final Fantasy XIII every time it's mentioned.

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